Our products and our ethics

Where does the wood used for our products come from?
We pick several varieties of wood to turn our sticks. These branches come from French forests and more precisely Sartheises.
We advocate young trees and work only with the agreement of their spirits.
As for planks and logs, used for drops and logs, these also come from the Pays de la Loire regions.
Regarding the varnishes used:
Our varnishes are chosen with care. We recommend environmentally friendly products whenever possible.
These are made in France and eco-responsible: (Ecolabel).
Regarding the bones:
Our bones are from salvage.
Whether in kind (forest / fields), second-hand shop, or in some cases with hunters following their death.
In any case, we are transparent about their provenance and their origin.
Each animal is treated with great care.
An animal communication is set up for each of them.
Sometimes their spirits are in the "astral veil", still attached to their physical body.
In this case, we prefer to communicate and understand the cause, thus giving the animal the choice to stay or not.
This allows us to help them if needed.