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Terre De Renard

Deceased contact+illustration

Regular price €80,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €80,00 EUR
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Let us honor our loved ones as it should be

Closed diary until further notice due to heavy order rush

Occasional places .

I put my artistic talents and my mediumistic abilities at your disposal, in order to give you the opportunity to honor your ancestors or deceased loved ones, with a different approach.

The consultation process:

I connect to your subliminal part (energy body in the astral) which will allow me an energetic connection with one of your deceased people . It is possible that an exchange could take place, in which case I would pass on his words and potential messages to you.

I advise you to prepare clear photos of the deceased chosen for the portrait, in order to increase as many resemblances as possible. The aim is to benefit from a portrait of the chosen being.

It will take approximately one to two hours to complete the drawing.

This session is not a dead contact, but an illustration. However, if communication is created, an exchange is possible.

Of course, these consultations are always carried out with respect and agreement of minds.

Without supervision. Appointments are made directly on the site.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review

J'ai réserver une consultation défunt + illustration avec Moe et j'en suis ravie, je la conseille. Si vous cherchez un être chère dont vous ne savez pas à quoi il ressemble/ou même si vous le savez. Elle a était une super médiatrice entre moi et mon ancêtre, je le connait beaucoup mieux grâce à elle. Je me sens dorénavant plus proche avec mon ancêtre (jamais connus), elle a su me le décrire ses énergies et comment il était de son vivant. Elle m'a parler des offrande que je peux lui faire et comment je pouvais communiquer avec lui. Le gros plus c'est que désormais grâce à l'illustration je sais à quoi il ressemble et il y a ses énergie désormais. Bref c'est génial, je vous le conseille.


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